Tuesday, September 28, 2010

kembali blogging..

huh, lm sungguh xmemblogging..:P
syok2 raye, xhingat nk update blog pn..
tp, raye xpuas, sbb seminggu lebih je dpt raye pastu trs final exam..
pape pn, raye thun nih sangat2 best, sangat2 giler, sangat2 meriah..
adik beradik sume balik ipoh, relatives,cousins ramai yg blik ipoh thun nh..
agak sangat camwhore la ngn dorg sume..:)
haruslah nk update gmbar kn...
nih haaaa!

lovely nieces
cousins n nephews
big sis,papa,mama,me

Friday, September 3, 2010

esok ku tinggalkan melaka utk ipohku tercinta..

salam sume..
yezzzaaaa, mlm ni mlm terakhir di melaka..well, jz until end of raye..
xkesahla, aslkan leh balik raye..weeeeee...
xsabar nyer nk blik eskkkkkkkk!!!
be in my home, my own bed, my astro, kbs world, damn, i gonna watch marathons of korean drama!!!
raye nnt, tngkap gmbar byk2, melaram bj raye..jln2 umh sedare..mkn byk2,
arghh, heaven on earth, here i come...