Thursday, July 22, 2010


salam sume..:P
arini khamis, sehari sebelum holiday starts..
tetibe craving secret recipe cake n herbal egg*yg hitam2 tue*hehhee
time kelas kol 2-4 ptg td..aku n syaz mule la plan keje giler..
nk g jj trs lps hbs kelas..:P,redah bas..
sj2 aku mesej mimi, kahkahkah..konon nk bg jeles..
*weihhhh nak ikut!!!*replynyer si mimi!!
hahahah, pdhal esk pg die nk exam company law..
mesej pny mesej*pdahal selang dua seat je ktorg ..gigih bazir kredit tue..:)
akhirnyer persetujuan di capai, that is we go together..
ktorg blk dlu, mimi g naik teksi RM7, ke rumah die dekat ngn bbu..:P
kuikui..mimi kne tipu ngn pakcik teksi..harus laaahhhh..g jj br rm7, pe hal plak pakcik teksi tueh kurng hajaq tipu g bbu rm7..sialan itu pakcik..huhu
xpela, tue, 3.30ptg, alang2 mimi nk tlg htr sonia g mc..:)
pas mc, br ktorg g jj, take away secret recipe..*chocolate banana(me),chocolate indulgence(syaz),oreo cheesecake(mimi)
pas takeaway, melantak KFC snackplate satu sorg, plus, 2 large mashpotato n large cheezy wedges...(kami bdan kecik, tp selera kami tinggi)
hehehhe..gelak2, camwhoring lagik..HARUSLAHHHH..:)
nnt aku upload gmbr2nyer d fb, n cni gk laa..
yg penting kuar ngn mimi mmg syok! gelak exercise muscle perut sungguh,..kekek
ni blog yg last before cuti seminggu..hehhe..esk nk blk ipoh!!!!
chaow blogkuuuu..muahhh!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

GCB mCDonald new burger!

salam buat anda2 yg rajin membace blog saye yg xseberape ini..:)
konon je aku.."hehe"
ok2, ni nk cte nih, mlm td, aku n sonia kire lapa giler..since siang xmkn pape..
ktorg pn order la mcd..
sonia call mcd..ala2 cmni laa
mcd: "hello, mcdonald delivery service, how may i help u, can i take your order?"
sonia: "hye, yeah, i would like to order the new GCB burger pls"
mcd: "sure, would u like it with meal or ala carte?"
sonia:"meal pls,medium" [HARUSLAH MEAL, KEBULUR KOT!] *keke*
mcd: "ok,miss, would u like to add anything else?"
sonia"no, that's all"
mcd:" that would be rm29++, we'll deliver in 45 minutes, miss"
sonia:" ok,thnk u.."

"heheh", pnjgnyer DIALOG nyer kan..kekek..
well, after 45 minutes, sampai la ke door step kami, GCB!!!
teruslah duduk bersila depan tv, menikmatinyer dgn kesungguhan yg tinggi, smbil tgk BULETIN UTAMA..:)

hehe..sambil2 tue kn, aku sempat snap pix, sje2 and nk msuk contest mcd GCB,what's your G..
yea2, saye gigih nk join contest..ekekekek..
harap je la menang something kan..usaha tangge kejayaan..:)
tp, yg pasti GCB burger memang mantap rasenyer..sedap tol ayam grill die..
cube laa yer kawan2..:)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

mission halau cicak!

yea..yea..anda belum kabur matenyer...
my housemate n i, were in fact trying to chase out a lizard..
mcmni, aku gn Sonia tgh tgk tv, cte horror movie kt tv2..suddenly i saw something moving under the curtain in the hall..
kitorg SANGAT ANTI CICAK okehhhhh!!
dh ler xde ekor, disgusting gilerrkk!
soo, Sonia n i pn try la halau, cmpak laundry clips, slipper, it WON'T EVEN BUDGE!
damn it tol la cicak cacat sekor nih..sgt CILANAT..
terjerit2 gak laa, *this is what happen if ur afraid/disgust of lizards/reptilias* [shadap sudeyh]
baling pnyer baling..last2 kena gak...gerak pn kuar..kelam kabut Sonia tutup sliding door hall..

Friday, July 16, 2010

yeah!!! dpt CAMERA!!!

akhirnyer dpt gk aku bli digital camera..:)
kering poket aku..rm349 okeh..
sebulan la aku puasa cmni..smpai bulan ramadhan yg sebenarnyer...*keke*
"pandai yana ko hbskan duit elaun ko kn.."..(dialog delima dlm pale otak aku.. xpe laa..pasni konfem jimat cermat..
erm, purpose aku nk sgt bli camera..sbbnyer..aku nk capture sume moments yg memorable
moments ape??? haa, moment2 manis ngn member2 kesayangan aku laa..
anis, jaja, syaz, sonia n mimi!! sahabat yg aku kenal sejak aku masuk mmu ni..
dorang ni, aku sayang sgt giler vavik!! hehehe..
hidup seratus tahun pn xkn dpt jumpa kawan2 cmni..
kawan2 yg sanggup ade ngn kite xkire time suke or duke..
dorg kawan2 yg blh jadi strength bile kite kesusahan,..
dorg hiburkan hati aku bile aku sedih..dorg tolong aku bile aku susah..
sampai bile2 pn aku xkn lupakn dorg..:)
Syaz, Sonia and Mimi dh final year skg..aku still ade 2 thun..:(
soo, mase aku ngn dorg just ade less than a year..before dorg graduate..
therefore, aku nk sangat capture every single moment yg ktorg spent together..
bile dorg grad nnt, blom tentu leh jumpe kan..masing2 mst bz ngn work..nk contact2, borak2 pn blom tentu sempat..
call me sentimental...but this is my way to appreciate what is dear to my heart..:)
pejam celik..dh nk dekat 4 thun ktorg dh kawan..byk kenangan pahit n manis..
ape2 pn, dorg ni yg kekal bersahabat secare ikhlas n jujurnyer..
hari2 ktorg bersame, penuh ngn gelak tawe gonna miss that a lot..:(..*sob..sob..*
aku xdpt nk bygkan cmne reaction aku when the day finally come..the day of their graduation..
the day we go our separate ways..
just thinking about gave me a heartache..*huhu*
tp, dgn bantuan camera OLYMPUS T-100..aku akan capture sumenyer..!!!:)
more laughter, less tears..:P

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

updatesss...petua hilangkan parut jerawat

haaa..sume org pn pasti ade jerawat kan???
org pn ade jerawat, uishhh, jn ckp ar, byk parut kt muke, open pores pn byk..
sebab org ade resdung, keturunan*keke*, bile naik je jerawat, tngan memang gatal g picit..
alamatnyer berparut n berlubang lah..[padan muke aku]
tapi, skg kurang la dari dlu..ade la improvement sejak guna produk TIA AMELIA & jamu cuci darah(haruslah cuci darah, duk melaka air asyik minum air karat je)
tapi blk je melaka, xdapat nk elak, msti start blk naik2..
xpe2, org de tips2 jmp online..kite cube nyer kawan2..:)

untuk hilangkan parut jerawat, haluskan kulit and mencerahkan kulit..>>susu tepung!
yezza..susu tepung agak popular di negara2 spt KOREA N JEPUN..
dorang slalu gune susu asli tue yg dlm botol kaca tue..:)
dorg cuci muke lps mekap pakai susu, toner pn susu..2 sebab la kulit dorg CANTEK NK MAMPUS!
soo ape kate kite plak try care nih..:)
susu tepung pn same je effectnyer..dtg dr sumber same gak kn..
cara2: ambil 1 or 2 sudu susu tepung, cairkan dgn air, tp sedang2 la, jn cair sgt2..
pas2 tepet2 kn kt muke, macam kite pakai bedak sejuk la kan..
biarkan kering, pas2 baru cuci..
lakukan setiap malam klu sempat..
insyaallah, kulit rs bersih, licin, n glowing laa..

LAGI SATU!!>> kulit kayu manis

haa, biasa dgr tak..hilangkan jerawat or kecutkan jerawat gune serbuk kulit kayu manis?
hurm,ni pn salah satu petua org dlu2 tuk jerawat..
mama org pn guna care nih mse die muda2 dlu..
ambik serbuk kayu manis tue pas2 campur dengan madu asli,
jadikan mcm masker, sapu kt muke, biar kering smpai esk pagi..
pas2 cuci bersih..
boleh haluskan kulit ngn kurangkan parut2 hitam kt muke..
nanti nk cube gak ler..:)


hye peeps..yeah, its me, again..:P"of course its me,its my blog"*wink*
okeh, the heading says it all..don't you think?
friend,friends,friendship,girlfriend,boyfriend..have you ever thought that it actually meant something..
combination of two different words together>>girl + friend>>boy+friend
well, this is what i think..each and everyone of us needs someone else besides us right?
by saying that i meant, LOVE. And peeps, im not just pointing out one type of LOVE..
it can be love for the family, love of a friend,..the definition love is such a broad horizon of definition..
just look at what we look for in a spouse..we want our wife or husband have that special criteria, that X-FACTOR, the kind we can feel like their our FRIEND. in a sense, in marriage, your wife or husband can your best friend.
some say, you'll have all the happiness in life if you're in love with your best friend..
the one who understands you more than you understand yourself. the one who you can lean on when you're having the worst day ever..the one who listens to your whining all the time*hehe*, and the one whom you can open up to about every single thing without having the slightest awkward feeling..
for me, i think that's when you can actually say that "im happy, i have everything i needed in life to go on for eternity"
although the reality doesn't seems that easy, but i have faith, i BELIEVE someday, someone will come and take my hands, hold me into the warmth of those soothing arms..*fingers crossed*
*hahah* me old fashioned, but i do believe, that each and everyone of us are destined find our soul mates..its just a matter of time..GOTTA HAVE FAITH..:)

thats friendship in LOVE..
how about LOVE in FRIENDSHIP?
as the malay saying goes "berkawan biar seribu, berkasih biar satu"
there's a truth in that..go ahead and make as much friends you want, but when it comes to LOVE, make sure you find the right one..don't make a mistake that you'll regret your whole life for..
i know, you'll say, "its easy to say, but hard to do"
heyyy, is about trial and error ain't it?? soo, make mistakes, learn from it..its no big deal..:)
we're not perfect, not a SAINT..just HUMAN..prone to error..:)
just don't make mistakes forever and never learn from it..thats disastrous..
im lucky..really lucky, because i happen to have such a great group of true friends..
friends that stick with me, through good and and downs..
we're fortunate to have met each other in this place called MMU,MELAKA..:)
from 2006-2010..lets hope that it goes on for years to come..:)
lets prove that "true friendship never dies" is real..:)


to Anis Adilla, Sherliza Hilmiy, Syazana, Sonia, Syamimi Aimi...i love you gurls soo much..:)
you've shown me the true meaning of FRIENDSHIP..

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What if i'm a Russian Spy?

What if i'm a Russian spy??
wow, that's gotta be a hell of an amazing adventure..
let's see if i am a RUSSIAN spy, and i was given an extremely dangerous mission
by Mother Russia..
The mission was to gather information about who's the undercover agent in the agency,and execute all of them to protect confidential and damaging information from being leaked to the public.
In order to complete the mission, since i'm a russian spy, obviously i've got years of experience being undercover and excellent killing skills.."wink"
Therefore i will utilise all those skills to the max in order to find and track the secret agents.
Using my contacts from the years of undercover. And gather help from them in return of my favour to them.
Overall the mission is dangerous. it would mean i will be jeopardizing my life and family. You see, being under cover means you're basically living a lie, no real name, real background,many aliases. So that your enemy won't get to you easily.
In completing Mother Russia's mission, i have to be prepared for all the consequences i have to face.
I have to keep my family at bay, away from the danger. TRUST NO ONE..
as the saying goes, KEEP YOUR ENEMY CLOSE..its true in some sense, by keeping them close, you'll get access to whatever that they're planning to do. You're one step ahead of them. By this i mean, it would be a piece of cake for you to crush them into bits! "muahahah"

okay, back to business, once i get those traitors, i will torture them to make them spill out who's behind all the chaos, who's the BOSS??
if they're smart enough to tell, i'll track the BOSS down, but him down and once i succeed, i'll drag him back to Mother Russia, and let them deal with him or her la.."hehe"
After all that done in excellency, if got rewarded for my work, i'll get back to my life. And continue to serve Mother Russia when i'm needed.."kehkeh"
the end..


Monday, July 12, 2010

haPpy SunDAy

last sunday, i mean yesterday was the best sunday ever..
why? because it was the day my girls and i had soo much thrill and fun!!
exactly 5 o'clock in the evening, Mimi asked us out, to take cam-whore..:)
US means Anis,Jaja,Syaz,Mimi and of course ME..
we went to Portugese Settlement, Ujong Pasir..
basically it was the very first time, we've been there..
the place is surrounded by sea..there was a bridge..
we took A LOT of pictures just at the bridge itself..
lots of laugh, lots of fun..:)
And of course after posing, laughing, making fun of each other,
we were bound to get hungry..hehe
soo, Mimi took us to a place that she always went with her BF..
it's a chinese cum malay restaurant..
i ate fried kuetiaw, Syaz and Anis ate nasi lemak..mountain of nasik lemak okeh!
whereas Mimi and Jaja ate bihun hailam..
each of them looks soo appetizing..and believe me,
amazing, and the portion was big..i was literally FULL TO THE MAX..
hehe, we head home at 8pm, arrive home, at 8.30pm
just in time for GHOST ADVENTURE on NTV7..
Mimi stayed over our house, uploading the pictures into her fb..
we watched NED v ESP together..
heheh, slept at 5 am..missed 10 am class..kuikui..
over all, the best sunday!! coz we spent it together!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


sabtu semlm, org n syaz puasa ganti..
siang ktorg buat keje masing2 la, syaz siapkn presentation die, ak start study a bit..
sambil2 tue flip2 channel tv..tgk BLEACH, REMAJA etc..
ble mase kol 3 br nk solat zohor, isk2,..:)
then, mate pn ngntauk cz xckp tdo..
tdo smpai kol 6.10, yeah!!! 1 hour more to maghrib..
soo,solat asar..lyn facebook, tgk tv...haaa, kol 7pm, legend of the stars 8tv, 2PM..
kol 8 solat maghrib..kuar mkn kt kedai MAMA THAI..
gler lapa seyh!!
menu: kuetiaw grg kerang xnk sayur for syaz, kuetiaw kungfu for me..
air: air suam, teh ais..
licin pinggan masing, kelaparan..hehehe
g ucenter sbb ak nk kuar duit, bli roti n pen skli..
otw blk, de MAMAT ARAB CILANAT usik ktorg..
ktorg jln2 berdua, mane nk kesah de org kt blakng ke, yg depan mang la de mamat arab len..
pas2, sedap2 sembang, jln berdua..tetibe de whisper "HYEEEE"... kt tepi telinge aku n syaz!!
dekat gler kot,dagu cilanat tue kne bahu aku kot!! terkejut beruk ktorg!! igtkan HANTU KE PE..
sial mang sial laa..
hbs kuar perkataan carut dr mulut aku n syaz..
sampai umh, kol 10 br ktorg mandi..kekek..
layn facebook, tgk movie kt tv2, dh hbs movie, tgk 8tv..guess who..BRIAN JOO was on the midnight chat on 8TV!!
brian joo is the sunbae of k-pop..die la yg duet ngn jason derulo for "IN MY HEAD"
best gler duet dorg..
so, i wsa too engrossed into the chat..he was SOO FUNNY..:)
kol 2.30 msing tdo!!! then end...:P


assalamua'laikum..:P and hye there..
arini org nk update tuk jumaat and saturday..
starting on Friday, aritu ktorg g tgk wayang, [mimi, anis, aku,jaja n syaz]
wayang apekah?? TWILIGHT ECLIPSE!!! yezaaaa!! jam berape??? 12.30 mlm..
yuhuuuuu...giler redah je kan tgh2 mlm buta..well, cmni cte nyer..
mula2, khmis 8 julai, ktorg kuar jln2 ngn mimi g jusco baru kt tesco melaka tueh..
jln2, gelak2, alang2 mimi nk cri sandal br..owh2, die bli smpai dua pasang..:),jimat..
sambil2 meronggeng, ktorg pn bincang2 la ,nk g tgk wayang ke x..since TWILIGHT kan release 9 julai,which Fiday..
Soo, mimi kte nk tgk, leh ajk anis n jaja skli, the more the merrier..
rancangnyer nk tgk tghari, cz mimi de study group mlm ari jumaatnyer..
tp, malangnyer, anis n jaja xfree siang, free on the night je..
soo, igtkan xjdlaa, since mimi dh janji nk study ngn kawan2nyer..
org ngn syaz pn, buatla keje sendiri, study civil procedure..layan facebook etc..
tup2, mimi msg, JOM TGK WAYANG SKG!!
hehe, mase tue dh kol 11.40 mlm, mate ktorg pn dh malap actually, tp EDWARD CULLEN N JACOB WEREWOLF punyer pasal, gagahkan jugak laa mate..
kol almost kol 12, ktorg pn gerak la ke MBO MELAKA MALL..
mimi tapau food kt kdai kuning xsempat nk mkn, jd ktorg tggu mimi mkn kt mbo..
tiket kol 12.30, jaja tgk DESPICABLE ME, since jaja dh tgk ECLIPSE..she went in first la cz tiket jaja kol 12.15..
tepat kol 12.30, org ,anis, mimi, syaz serbu CINEMA 3, seat E7,E8,E9,E10..
seat cantek, nice view of everything,.:)[including view panas2 depan seat syaz]
de pasangan tua yg gatal tgj make out..time scene BELLA n EDWARD kiss, dorg pn KISS gak..euw!!!
GET A ROOM PLZZZ...tah pape, cm xde tempat len nk buat maksiat, dh ler tua, 40-an tau..asl xnk buat kt umh jer??
ANYWAY..ktorg khusyuk tgk JACOB's appearance..the obvious SIX PACKS were making us DROOL..hehe
anis found her true prince, OLD SCHOOL EDWARD CULLEN..heheh..
kol 3.30, wayang ended..perut pn n syaz plak nk puasa esknyer[sabtu]
berangkatla kami ke SUBAIDAH MITC..
menu; bihun singapore ayam, maggi grg ayam, kuetiaw no sayur ayam
air; teh tarik, horlick panas, teh ais, limau ais..
mkn sampai kenyang, sembang2, gosip2, smpai almost kol 4.30 laa..
smpai umh je, pengsan, subuh alarm pn xdgr!!isk2
tp, sume best!! gelak2 smpai nk pecah perut..:)


Thursday, July 8, 2010

people changes just like the weather..

people changes..those are the words that any sane person would say if the person they knew acted in a way that they never did before..
others say that people change through time and circumstances..
but for me, that's just not a reasonable excuse to cover up whatever mishap they caused..
you know like for example, in anyone's "normal" life, there's got to be this one lil' menace or "evil creature descendant from the hell"(haha). That's always find a way to ruin my peacefulness..
and this "person", who acted like they're a "saint" in front of you and other people, but behind you, they're worst than you'd ever imagine..[wouldn't it be shocking for you to found out abt it?]
well, i sure did!!..i mean, i always knew that she, as in my case is a "she", is some kind of a mental case gone WAYYYY wrong..i just never thought that it was THAT BAD..
BAD in the sense of DROP DEAD DRUNK..she who somewhat seems sooo religious from the beginning..would turn out to be such BULLSHIT..
as if, all this while, she's wearing this THICK mask over her TRUE COLORS..just waiting to blow up in the open..
after 4 freaking years, she finally came out from her hiding..hiding behind saintly mask..
i don't know if she has any pride left..but im sure its beginning to fade..and she doesn't seems to care..
im not saying this because i care, i was just trying to make a clear statement that, sometimes or actually most of the time, appearance don't really show you, a person real personality..
like the saying goes, appearance can be deceiving..
just think about it for a second, is it worth it to lose your pride and dignity just to satisfy your desire to conquer something that doesn't really matter..if it is, have you ever thought about what is left after all is gone??
it's just my thought, and it's for you decide..what's real and what's not..what's good and what's bad..

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

SupER JunIoR

Super Junior..ape tue??
haaa..Super Junior or SUJU ni Korean boy band..
ala, K-POP..
hehe..aku skg nih memang giler sangat k-pop!!
more to addiction, obession laa..
playlist aku, sume lagu k-pop..lagu lain tak dek dah..
paling fanatic skli, SUJU nih la..
uishh, dorg sume nyer encem2..waaa!!
boleh katekan, makan, tdo,bgn tdo, sume SUJU..keke:P
i can never get enough of them..its hard to resist them you SEE.. 22 years old, and im acting like a teenage fangirl..:P
MALU..TAPI..take leh nk buat ape dh LOL..:P



mlm ni, germany vs spain punyer match..
kali ni rtm xtunjuk plak!
soo, housemates aku, yang dikenali sbg Syaz n Sonia..kekeke:P
semangat ler siap2 nk g turun kedai mamak..nk tgk bola punyer pasai..
aku?? well, im only interested in the score..don't get me wrong, i love football,
its just that im not a fanatic fan..knowing the scores is good enough for me..
hehe, soo back to my housemates ler,
skg nih, dorg ngh siap2, konfem2 sarung je mane yg sempat..
match dh start pn nih, kol 10 mlm kan..
heheh..kelakar pn ade,
sah2 la, dorg skli kecoh kt kedai mamak tue nanti..:P
Syaz plak, esk kne buat presentation tuk tutorial Kuek..
tue pun tak siap lagi ktenyer..
tp demi BOLA, "pedulikan lah Kuek"..kekeke..
as for me, i'll be in my room, listening to my itunes, going online.. life is boring..what can i say..:)

Monday, July 5, 2010

my monday

today's monday..
i got land law class at 10 am..
got ready at 9.15 am, wore formal, since got criminal procedure class at 12 pm..
sat with beloved anis n jaja in the 1st class..
talking, copying, playing during the period..
then, anis said wanna go mydin after the class..
i got this sudden evil idea about skipping the next class and tagged along with them..
guess what, it was a great idea...i skipped!!
jengjeng..malas la kate kan..
soo, we head to mydin as like crazy
okeh2, we shop for foods and homely other ridiculous items..
its all good..and necessary..:)
done our shopping at almost 3.30pm,
head home in taxi..
my day ended with lil' exhaustion, but lots of fun and joy..:)


yezzaaaaa...its update time..
memandangkan cek dh lame xupdate, sebab musababnyer ialah kerna cek mule dh malas
nak mengupdate..
asyik menghadap utube, langsung terpikir dh godek2 internet buat research
on more old beauty tips..
sooo, here it is..just a lil' info..
okeh, previously, cek post pasai honey campur cinnamon powder tuk kurus kn..
here's another one,
care ni pn leh kate popular gak ar time nenek moyang kite..
dorg suke minum air campuran madu ngan limau nipis or kasturi ke lemon..
xkire laa, aslkan sitrus..
y this mix is effective?
honey as u all know la, it provides energy, contains lots of vitamins and healthy benefits..
whereas lime, or citrus, it breaks up the fat molecules, hence burns fats..
soo, combine this two ingredients, although it burns fat, u'll still get energized with the help of the nutrients that honey gives out..
its suggested that sape2 yg nak cube method nih..
minum campuran madu n limau dlm air suam2 panas, before sarapan,
klu korg nk effective lg, minum before or after each meal pon boleh..
Insyallah mujarab..
bab kate org tua2, yg asli lagi bagus..:P