Saturday, October 30, 2010

Skin79 beblesh cream hot PINK!

its SUnday..and its kinda slow for idea what to do..:P
So, i was thinking i might just update my blog..thats why i wanna share with you about something.
Im sure you've heard about BB cream right? its a new beauty line that seems to get attention from women around the world.
BB cream stands for Blemish Balm, like a concelear cum foundation cum skincare product.
Mostly popular in Korea, Japan, and most Asian countries. Men and Women uses this BB cream on their daily basis, its more like a skincare than a cosmetic, you see.
BB cream was originally used by dermatologist in order to help laser surgery patients to protect and soothe
sensitive skin while providing light coverage for post-laser scars, acne and other blemishes. In additionally, BB cream encourages skin regeneration and helps to maintain youthful skin.
It was formulated in Germany, containing skin regenerating formula and provides skin natural coverage.
I searched online about this newest craze beauty industry, just to check it out. That is when i found Skin79 cosmetic line, well they mainly focus on BB cream line. It wasnt the first time i heard about it, Skin79 is an established brand of BB cream line. Skin79 has a lot of different types of BB cream, a lot of range that people can choose from. Reviews i found online was that, it can heal acnes and pimples scar, lighten your skin, makes your skin supple and much more.

I have sensitive skin,acne scars so i thought about giving it a try, but before i even bought it, my sister already went ahead of me. hehe, she bought it first. The one she bought was Skin79 Hot Pink Beblesh Cream. She has acne n pimples from time to time, nt worse than me, since im the one living in Melaka. yeah, in a way im blaming the surrounding, and unclean water in Melaka,hehe. My skin got worse when i got here, seriously. ive tried everything to make it better, but nothing seems to be working right.

My sister seems to like the BB cream, it works on her skin, i tried some on my skin for several weeks, i like the result, it makes my skin smoother, scars lighten. BUt it worked while i was in my hometown, now that im back in Melaka, starting a new sem. My skin nt cooperating with me, i even bought myself SKin79 Hot Pink.

Anyways, im keeping it. Gonna keep using it. See if it would miracle on my skin..uhuhuhu..

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

hari yg penuh warna warni..:)

haaaa..nape org ckp hari ni, penuh dgn warna warni, ala2 rainbow gituu..:P
sebab musababnyer,hari ni byk sgt kejadian2, or event2 yg sungguh mencuit hati, ngn agak mereng la yg terjadi..
hehe, okeh, kol 4-ish ptg td, org, Wan Syamimi AImi,Sherliza hilmiy, syazana, sonia,jalan2 kt DP tgk wayang(cite LIfe as we know it)
ok la cite tue,lawak2 sentimental la..:P
pas2 kol 10-ish, ktorg grk g kedai subaidah, lapa la ktekan pas tgk wayang.
cr2 tmpt duduk, dpt la tmpt belakang this one group of chinese people.
sedap2 ktorg sembang2, gelak2 cm org gile, org perasan yg some of the chinese duk pandang2 ktorg, mule2 aku HOT la gak, ye la, pehal tgk2, sengih2, pandang atas bwh, cm de yg xkena..
merepek la aku sorg2 marah kt dorg nih, then tetibe one of the lady started mumbling something to us, in mandarin(as if la aku paham) yg aku dpt tngkap" nie #$^% shou shew maa?", ala2 ko phm ke ape ktorg ckp??
of course aku ngn muke BLUR aku, ngn mulut separuh ternganga pandang je die..:)
excuse me for being clueless since my national language is Bahasa Malaysia ngn international language im capable of speaking is English.mandarin however is not my major..:P
so what the hell la kn, nasib baik one of them reti ler skit ckp english.."do you understand what she said?"
ktorg pn geleng2 pale..sengih2..mase tue Sonia ngn muke bengangnyer gaye cm nk gaduh dh, "what? what she said?"
heheh, that other lady ckp..die puji ktorg, beautiful..(agak rase mcm nk terjun dlm semak xnk kuar2)(tetibe rase maybe dorg nih ade masalah penglihatan kabur agaknyer)heheh
aku ngn mimi terus tergamam, next thing we knew we were laughing like hell, while blushing pretty badly..:P
terus xjd nk mkn, sumpah malu nk mampus..
rs cm xsenang duduk aku ngn mimi, they kept turning at us, looking..dont know what, then next thing they started taking pictures of keliling duk tgk ktorg in a weird kind of way..huhuh
muke mimi dh resemble lobster rebus dh..merah nk mampus..hehhehe
ble makanan dh smpai, nk mkn pn xlalu, rs mcm nk tmpal roti canai tang muke cabut lari laju2..hehehhe
then, when they're about the leave, they asked permission to take pictures with us, perghhhh!!!
mimi ngn mandarin tunggang langgangnyer "ke yi ma? ke yi.."maknenyer boleh..:P
dorg pn ramai2 diri belakang ktorg tangkap gambar..sumpah xtau nk react cmne, peluh2 sejuk2 tgn, malu tahap gaban..:P
rupe2 dorg nih tourist dr taiwan, looking at the way the talk n their look, unlike malaysian chinese..:P
haih, pas dorg blik, ktorg gelak mati kt subaidah tue..huhu
then, ble ktorg nk g byr plak, ade 4 org abg2 nih, duk pandang2 ktorg, sengih2, haih, risau aku, pe lg yg xkene ngn ktorg nth..dr strt bgn g kaunter smpai la hbs byr, sengih2 dorg..
huhuhu..macam2 kejadian yg betul2 mencabar kewarasan kami yg memang kurang waras nih..kekeke..

haaa, tujuan blog nih, bukan nk menggedik2 yer, cuma sekdar nk berkongsi kisah lucu kami..
jn plak ade yg merase kami menunjuk2 plak, sape yg meluat, sila2 lah tekan butang X di ats yer..:)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

there's no hassle free in mmu

its wednesday in melaka, and i still havent got over my flu..but atleast on a brink of recovery
papa n mama hd been spending the night at my apartment for 3 days since last sunday, so, today they went back to KL, my sister's house.
Now that they've gone, i feel empty again, no one to talk to,even though i got my housemates, its never the same. parents are parents, friends are friends, no similarities there you see..:)
Aiyark, my days are gonna filled with boredom, stressed, anxiety, and much more overwhelming experiences. None that i'm looking forward to.
But i guess its just another day at the "office", right?? (tell me i'm right!!!)..>.<

Okay2, let's get back to business. Today, Syaz and I went to campus, to settle our subject registration manually. To do that we need to go the FBL admin office, to get the form, then get lecturer's and academic advisor's signature and stamp. JUst to get two signatures, we went back and forth FSER and FBL for hours. and we did on an EMPTY STOMACH!!!!
hheheehe, i know that sounded lame and a bit overreacting, but still, you can't do your work when you're hungry can you??(if you can, then maybe im lame):)

okay, so, we finally got signatures done by 12. We decided to get Dean's approval early tomorrow morning since today's queue was soo long. (kinda lazy wanna wait laa..hehe)
We went back home after lunch, reached home almost time for Zohor prayer.
relieved that part of our task is done, lets hope to get everything done before the real battle starts..:)

oh yeah, planning to watch movie this evening, just to hang out with the girls..
crossing my fingers that everything goes smoothly according to plan..:)
chaow, hope you guys have a great day!!


salam sume..hehe
hurmm, lamenyer x update blog nih..
well, i got exams, sem breaks,no internet..
mlsla nk update..
so, im back in melaka, starting new sem of hell..
ugh, it really feels horrible to be back here again..
but i got no other choice, gotta finish what i started..
every beginning has an end, i will get to the end of my beginning no matter what..:)
okay, start cerita laa..
mase sem break lepas, 2 minggu cuti, org ambik lesen kete, actually sambung lesen L laa
br sehari balik cuti, esoknyer terus blaja kete plak,
straight seminggu lebih blaja, huhu
tension bagai nk rak laa, tension sebab cikgu pompuan suke bebel
buat kalut org sungguh, geram AKU!
memang rs nk pelangkung je cikgu tue hari2, tp org punyer la tahan sabar,
sampai down terus, xde mood langsung ble blk umh pas blaja kete,.
tapi, org tawakkal buat solat hajat, mintak lulus JPJ..
Alhamdulillah, mase test JPJ ari 2, dpt pegawai yg baik giler,
xde masalah, lulus 1st try..punyer lega nk mampus.
brula nk merase cuti, walaupun sekejap, tp, merase la gak..
blik melaka, plak kalut register subjek..
haih, sabo je, terima dugaan dgn hati yg rela..
mintak2, dipermudahkan di hari akan datang..
lepas nih, insyaAllah, rajin2 org update blog, nk release tension..:P
xdpt maki depan, maki dlm blog on jdla kan..kekekekek..
okay, bye2..:)
to be continued......:P