Tuesday, June 29, 2010

NeW tiPs.

do u know that honey can actually helps u to lose weight??
i've heard about it before but never tried..
only consume it before sleep, to speed up my brain..keke
but recently i found out that mixing honey and cinnamon in warm water,
actually an ancient tip to lose weight..
cinnamon is used because it increases ur metabolic rate..combine with honey, t burns fat..
hurm, seems interesting..maybe i'll try it..and see how it goes..plufff...


today's tuesday..
didn't go to class..mynt zan's class..hehehe
esok pagi ade tutorial land law..xsiap lagi questions..
aishhh...i got no mood to complete it..
tapi kalau tak siap, esok mst kne tanye pnye..
that's what always happens when u don't prepare anything to class..
u end up getting questioned..


Thursday, June 24, 2010

ReSePi DieT

1 biji telur
1 batang carrot
1 sudu kecil lada hitam or cayenne pepper
1 sudu kecil planta..

potong carrot kecik2, comeyh2, then pecahkan telur, campur serbuk lada or cayenne,pas2 gaul sebati.
panaskan planta, then masukkan telur carrot tadi.
scramble kan telur, masak until the way u like it..:)
p/s: cayenne pepper is good to get ur metabolisme to work..

malam yang sunyi...

malam ni malam Jumaat..
kelas pn dh takde, Khamis last day for classes..
bermula lah saat-saat yang membosankan di Melaka..
tak tau nak buat ape this week..
what should i do laa, there's nothing interesting to do in Melaka..
poket pn dah a bit dry, kekekek..soo going out again is out of the question..
gotta get an idea..or i'll die in boredom

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

baek! i wanna continue what i left yestrday..
yesterday morning we had criminal procedure class at 9 am..
had to wear formal black n white, BORING!
ended at 1o-ish..soo, we head to plaza siswa, mau tapau nasik LOL...
Mimi ajk syaz n i, lepak umah mimi kt belakang bbu..
(jumping like a monkey, grinning widely)...we said.."of course why NOT??"
heheh, we ate, while watching this KOREAN movie..
cite tue sumpah "censored", disgusting, and lawak BUDUH nak mati!..
hahahah..tup..tup,..dh kol 12, time for class MYNT ZAN..jurisprudence..
we were about to walk out of the house, and all of the sudden, i got this STUPID idea, "how about skippin' class since we already late?''kekeke
and indeed my idea was accepted by my two lovable darlings,.[bad influence..:P]
we ended up watching the movie till the end,..after that...
Mimi ask if we wanna join her to Malacca Mall..(heelloooo...who are we??..of course we wanna join)
jadinyer, dgn berbaju formal ala2 promoter, kami pn terkedek2 la membawa kereta ke tempat yg di tuju..
mimi nk mkn dlu since die xmkn skli ngn ktorg td, sambil tggu jaja hbs kelas kol 2,
ngap...ngap..it was already 2 o'clock..we head to campus, to pick up Jaja..
then, there we start our laughing journey..hahahah
giler penat seyh gelak2, everytime we went out on a girls day out, we would torture ourself with all kinds of jokes and stupid comments..hehehehheheh..
talking about stomach exercise..this complete 30 minutes routine for a healthier waistline and jaw movements..hahahha!!!
we shop and shop, ohhh..yesterday was JCARD day..of course its heaven for shopaholics like us..
our day ended at 6-ish..we ate , then we went to each others home..tired, exhausted nak MATI..
but it was all fun, meaningful day because we spent it with our true frens...:)


Monday, June 21, 2010

people says that we should be brave to speak our mind..
but they never told us about the consequences of doing it..
sometimes just make the one we care happy, we had to lie..
even though it means we ended up getting hurt,
its their smile and laughter that gives us such a great reward...
therefore, lets just think about it for a second, BEFORE speaking up..



its tuesdayyy.....
got two classes today, but the genius lecturers haven't uploaded anything..
soo, should i go, or not..heheheh..
malasnyer nk g kelas time2 bulan mengambang nih..:)
ikut kerajinan diriku je laa..

Saturday, June 19, 2010


hello people, i got something to share and also to promote..
its my friends blog, she sells bags and all, from korea.
its cute and nice, suits teenage or adult ladies, and reasonable price..
so go ahead and check it out k...

its SunDaY MorNIng...

Another boring old sunday morning..Boring as in because we're in Melaka instead of our own hometown. DAmn....what to do..what to do!
Oh well, i guess i'll play with the internet and surf whatever comes to mind then. Or i might to something useful instead, do tutorial question for the next tutorial class. wahhhhh, that's an improvement..:P, heheh, orait, time to go off. chaow dear blog..:)

health facts

do you know what kind of foods that can actually helps to increase your metabolisme rate?

well, i was feeling bored one day, and something triggered my mind to find out about this thing, so i went online and typed on google search engine..:P

this what i found out..foods that can increase metabolisme and helps lose weight.

a. oat or fiber..~can be nestum or fiber drinks also. it helps to improve your digestive system, so whatever you eat, gets out faster..hahah!!,although, oatmeal can be overbearing for some people to take in. what i did, i mixed milo to my oatmeal and nestum, turn it into thick drink, works for me, easier to consume..

b. spinach~contains lots of vitamins, good for your health and also digestion.

c. almonds~contains good oil, fatty acids suitable to increase your metabolisme,but take it with care, don’t over consume it, cause it contains high colestrol rate, and maybe not suitable for people who have nuts allergies.

d. water~old facts that we all know, our body consists of water, and it helps to detoxify what you take in. cleanse your system in way too. soo, starts drinking more today..:)

e. coffee~cause it contains caffeine, known to increase metabolisme if taken correctly, don’t consume more than 3 cups a day, it could cause anxiety and jitters.

f. apples~keeps you full longer. it also prevent cellulite, green apples that is.

g. jalapenos~ hot peppers burn fat. it can be any type of peppers as long as its HOT..

h. cinnamon~add it to your tea or bread, a little bit goes a long way..and plus, you can apply cinnamon powder on to your face, to remove scars.:)

~thats about all..there’s lots of other foods that works the same, i’ll update more once i get to know about it..

c yaa…muahxx!


Hye there everyone..
im excited to start my new blog. looking forward for new things to come. I will keep updating and researching very hard for any new tips on skin care and health care. and also i'll be crapping about my DEAR life..ngahahaha..So, hopefully will be seeing or meeting new friends..tata