Friday, December 31, 2010

the beginning of 2011!!

hye2!! new post on 1st of january 2011..waahh, cepatnyer masa berlalu kan..
kelip2 mate dh hbs setahun, 2010 dh tukar jd 2011..unbelievable.
so, selalunyer tradisi melangkah ke tahun baru, mostly, people tend to look back on their lives the previous year..
macam, recaps la, for instance, last year 2010, what sort of achievement we had?
what sort of greatest higlights of 2010?
and then, entering 2011, terpikir plak, last year, 1st january 2010, ade buat resolutions gak..
hurm, agaknyer tercapai tak azam2 untuk 2010? check2 list, alamak!! ade lgi yg tak kesampaian..
hehe, selalu tak jd macam tue kengkawan??
akibatnyer, azam2 2010, carry forward ke 2011..end of the year, carry forward plak 2012..haishh
thats why org rs, azam2 tahun baru tak relevant pn actually..
bunkankah lg baik, klu kite buat daily resolutions rather than yearly resolutions..
through that, kite tak de rs macam its an obligation to fullfill that resolution as an expectation to be completed..
maklumlah, kite hanya merancang, Tuhan yang menentukan..
it can go wrong sometimes, bukannyer kite boleh elak musibah2 yang jadi,..betul tak?
i find that people would stressed over resolution, marking their failure of the previous year, if they failed to achieved what they've targeted early in the year..
build up yourself, usaha lebih gigih, just go with flow la lg better..
jangan pulun sangat, nnt klu tak dapat frust menonggeng! heheh..

Bab celebrate new year!!

korg celebrate macam mane??? ngn frens or family?
ktorg bertiga, Syaz, Sonia and i went out for a movie yesterday..
tgk The Tourist..a great movie..of course, Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie beb, mau tak best!!
31st december 2010, started a bit gloomy for us..why??
hehe, sebab, it marks we're gonna be a year older than last year.
23 for Syaz and I and 25 for Sonia.
Syaz January, org febuary!! damn2, cepatnyer TUA!
tak percaye je dh menjangkau usia 23..OH MY GOD..nape rs macam budak2 lg eh?
perangai xde langsung menunjukkan kedewasaan diri sendiri..
badan, ketinggian mmg OFF la, kecik terbantut..T___T
kematangan pergh!! lagilah OFF..weng2 lg otak okeh..
so, macam mane gayenyer teman nk buat rope org beso? hesh..hesh..


okeh, ape saje yang dah dikurniakan Allah, kite embrace saje lah ok, kengkawan2..
ape yg kite boleh buat:
a) cuba improve diri kite, jd lg baik dr dulu..klu last year, habit buruk2, this year, buang2lah habit tue
b) jd lagi berani untuk mencapai ape saje impian or target.tak kire la daily target or yearly target.asalkan ade, just to spark up our year!
c) cuba jadi seorg yg lebih penyabar.klu macam aku, last year PANAS BARAN, ala, sepanjang mase je leh meletup. aku nk cuba buang perangai cepat marah..
d) perbaiki ape saje kekurangan..baik dr segi perhubungan ataupun behaviour..klu dlu malas, 2011 cubalah rajin2 kan diri..thats what i intend to do..InsyaAllah..dgn izinNya..

haaa...tak salah jugak klu kite ambik iktibar pengalaman2 pahit manis yang kite lalui tahun lepas..
ye lah, bab kate org2 tua, (senior2 kite laa), "experience teaches us life"
So, why not take last year's experience as a stepping stone to make a much better experience for this year??? tak salah kan?

2,3 hari lepas, org ade gak pikir2, ape agaknyer yang org nk buat tahun 2011 nih..
hehe, wanna know??
1) org nk tukar spectacles BARU
2) nk tukar HANDPHONE BARU
3) nk beli BAJU BARU

hehe, melampau sangat kan!!
tahun baru jer, sume nak nk baru laaa..mengade lah, childish thinking, FATIN LIYANA BT MEOR HAMZAH..:(
aku kan perasan bapak aku ade kilang cop duit..hahahha..
tp, last2 list jd pendek..dh sedar diri la katekan..:P,so, things that i really need this year??
1) new specs sebab spec lame nk senget, longgar, probably jugak power dh sikit NAIK..;(
2) baju baru, sebab dh lame xbeli baju, aku xreti beli baju actually, tapi giler jeans, end suar banyak, baju nk pakai tak de..:P

kannn, pendek kan list wa...2 benda nih org rs essential tuk tahun baru nih..:)
yg lain2 tuh, tggu la dulu..ade rezeki, dapatla kkot..:)

ala, ni baru bulan january, ade lg 11 bulan, a lot of time to think, to plan..slowly la..don't rush..

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

ChurpChurp | Social Share » Be part of the Invent Your Own iPad Application Contest and Win! (Preview)


CrAZyYyYyy about your IPHONE???!!!

THAT you just CAN'T get Enough of it??

how about creating new apps for IPAD??

well, you'll get a chance to win your own IPAD and free MAXIS modem!!

just create a creative and awesome apps for IPAD and stand a chance to WIN!!


ChurpChurp | Social Share » Be part of the Invent Your Own iPad Application Contest and Win! (Preview)

Saturday, December 18, 2010


selalu tak dengar org ckp, "time flies when you have great company by ur side"?
tak pun, selalu tak terjadi, korg lepak2, sembang2 ngn kawan2, smpai tak dengar mase berlalu dgn pantasnyer..
macam, erm, contoh, kelas habis kol 10 am, pastu on the way nk blk rumah, terserempak ngn kawan..pastu di ajak la plak pegi makan, breakfast or lunch ker laa..
sambil makan sambil chitchat, konon lama tak jumpe, byk la cite nk expose, nak gosip..^__*
sembang punye sembang tak sedar dh 3 jam duduk kt foodcourt, makan tak jugak hbs2 di makan..ish2..
pastu mule la berdialog dgn siri sendiri.."eh, biar betol?? lamenyer aku lepak, rs cm br 20 minit je td? patutla bontot rs kebas, rupernyer dh 3 jam tak gerak2"..hehehhe, konon begitu la dialognyer..
tak pun, klu girls, selalu sleepover laa, plan2 nk buat assignment same2, nk siapkan mlm tue jugak..KONON lah kan,..
mule2 ye la, gigih nih buat assignment, cari info kt google, yahoo ne nk buat soklan yg cam GABAN!
semangat berkobar2, pastu lepas 2 jam, tak jumpe2 info yg bernas or membantu, trus semangat jd LEMAU..malas, give up..penat..
heheh, bukak la tv, PERGHH, ade plak movie best2, contohnyer, semlm kt Tv 2, cite Transformers..argghhh, layan sangat dowh..
hehe, assignment pun tukar jd ASS-IGNMENT..khusyuk tgk tv, eyes glued on the screen..
dh hbs movie, sambung blk buat assignment, sambil2 sembang..
lame2, conversation got intense, luahan hati bagai..hahhahah
lame2 assignment di tnggalkan..
and then tetibe perut berbunyi, oopppss..LAPAR..
jam dh kol 1.30 am, hurm, tp, mmg dh lapar tahap GABAN..
so, pantas ajer jari mendial MCDONALD DELIVERY!!
heheh, 20 minit mcd sampai, mkn2,
sambung blk sembang, jeling2 tgk jam dinding pergh dh kol 6 am, 15 minit pastu,
berkumandang bunyi azan..hehe,
last2 lepas solat br tdo..kol 9 am, dh kne bgn..
tp, ajaibnyer tak rs penat,
maybe sebabnyer, we spent the whole night with the people we care about, that we get along just fine with..
lain la klu dgn org yg kite tak suke, benci, 5 minit dgn die pun tak tahan..sepatah je kuar dr mulut die kte dh selamat ke SLUMBERLAND...hehehhehehehehhe

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Nokia C3

there's a new phone from Nokia!!
its Nokia C3..available in 3 colours,blue, hot pink n silver
damn, i want it really!!!!
its RM 499-RM 520
it has WiFi, 2 megapixel camera
fb,twitter apps, and so much more..
with that much of features, less than RM 600, its reasonable!
hurm, hv to wait patiently before i can get my hands on it..

ChurpChurp | Social Share » The Celcom Everyone Sale is back! (Preview)

hey everyone,
tired of your old phones? wanna spark new gadget this Xmas,but worried about your budget?
well, worry no more, Clecom Everyone sale is back!!
now u can get new gadget with reasonably affordable from Celcom!!!
SO, hurry!!

ChurpChurp | Social Share » The Celcom Everyone Sale is back! (Preview)

Monday, December 13, 2010

what time is it?? time for KPOP!!

for those who are crazy about KPOP just like ME..
well, well, here's your chance to catch your favourite kpop group live!!
catch a chance to see B2ST, G.NA, 4Minute performing live!
Interested?? Get ur passess on pre-sale @ 1U, New Wing starting from 6th December 2010!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

25 things about ME..
hurm...hurmm...ape yer?? ntah la xtau nk letak MIMI pny pasal la..
ok lah..aku bedal je laa yer..

1) nama saye fatin liyana bt meor hamzah..mmeber panggil ATEN..:)

2) wa suke MAKAN!!! hello!! org giler je yg xsuke makan lah..even models loves to eat..difference is they eat healthily..:P

3) im a chilli addict..yes2, i love spice! wa boleh terliur tgk cili padi weih..serius..:P

4) wa obses ngn cheese..i love anything with cheese in it..or on it..:)

5) sekarang wa ngh imagine pegi shopping..hehehe, sebab wa ngh bosan

6) kdg2 wa panas, klu wa marah, baik korg jn dtg dekat..demi keselamatan anda..:P

7) adeh2, penat dh pikr..ape lg ek?? haaaa, wa ngh dgr lagu korea..KPOP ROCKS!

8) mlm ni wa ade kls mlm..T__T

9) wa suke pkai jeans..haha, senang melangkah..

10) wa suke tgk korean drama, ble dpt tgk, xkn berganjak walau sesaat..

11) wa xsuke reptilia..GELI!!

12) teruja ble tgk sayur2..SEDAP!!!

13) suke, xde la pandai masak sgt pn..cukup2 tuk mkn je..:P

14) haa, wa orgnyer giler2..mmbr2 wa leh tahan ngn wa sbb dorg pn 1 kepale ngn wa..:P

15) wa asl dr IPOH,PERAK

16) anak bongsu dr 4, AWAS WA BKN ANAK MANJE..aku sepuk sape kte aku manje!

17) wa xsuke g jmp doktor..klu sakit, tnggung sendiri je..hee

18) YAALLAH, br no 18???

19) wa rabun jauh, pkai spec dr primary school g dhh..(cm lame je fact nih)

20) aduh, sakit belakang!!

21) *mysteric..mysteric..*

22) arghhh!!! KPOP!!!

23) nak makan........(puasa ganti la plak)

24) xsuke matahari panas!

25) nak tidooooooooooo...byeee.... xde lg dh...hahhaa..yeay!!

stop and think

have u ever stop for a moment and actually think about your life?
to actually look back at your life,what have you achieved so far?
have you lived your long time dream by now?
well, i did. in a bus,on my way back to Malacca.
looking out the window, seeing everything soo clearly, the trees, the houses, the sun..everything..
my minds starts to wander, as if i can see flashes of my life in front of me.
asking myself, this 22 years of life, what have i achieved?
i felt like there's a lot of things i want to do, im still far back from getting what i want.
but i do felt like i've grown over the years, experienced life well enough to know life isn't always what it seems..
over the years, im still learning about myself, everyday seems like a quest of finding myself, who i am.
searching deep,clueless, looking for hints..
sometimes, it felt like an interesting mind game to think about it..
people say you haven't lived until you experienced love,pain,and suffering.
i'll say you haven't lived until you know who you really are, its not right, when outsiders knows you better than you know yourself..
making you vulnerable for others to get a hold of your life.
you should be in control of your own life, you have the are life..:)
its good to take a moment, and just stop, let the world around you stop for YOU to think..
so that you can correct the flaws, and be a much better person each day..
change your weakness into strength,change tears into smile and laughter.
if you believe you can, then you can..LOVE yourself before YOU LOVE others.
im still searching, learning, COME, LEARN WITH ME..:)

holidays overrrrr!!

im back in malacca after one week of holiday!
dr ipoh nk ke kl,berat btol hati nk berangkat..almost teared up on d bus, ble tgk papa,mama makin lame makin jauh..
susah hati ble nk blk cm dh xnk blk lg dh, nk duduk terperuk kt hometown..
but i'll be stupid if i did..sikit je lg nk habiskan degree..can't give up now can i??
must finish what i've started,no matter what, no matter how long it takes..
i won't be a loser,i wanna be a winner in my own battle..:),sape lg nk buat, klu bkn diri sendiri,right?
so, walaupun perit, tp, pkir positifla kan..mane la tau, susah2 sekarang, senang2 kemudian..
hehehe..kne tanam semangat dlm diri sendiri blk, top up blk ape yg kurang, perbaiki kelemahan..
perbaiki amal2 ibadat sebab itu yg penting untuk dpt keberkatan dr Allah..
ble ade berkat, br sume bnd kite buat berjalan lancar, klu xde berkat, itu yg asyik tersangkut2 mcm kereta rosak..:)
sOOoooOO, mari kite berusaha same2..chaiyok2!!!