Friday, January 7, 2011


mari adik2, kite eja AIR,Aa...Ii....Rr...AIR..
teringin plak jd cikgu tiba2..
eh2, tak2..saje je, sy tak reti mengajar pun..silap2 sy yg kne AJAR..:)
ok2, this time, i wanna tell you about the benefit of drinking WATER..
i know, in my previous entries, i've talked about what WATER can really do for you..
baik your health, or beauty..
well, i wanna continue from that lah..
as we all know, the more u drink, d better u would feel..
we are often told by doctors that we should AT LEAST, i say AT LEAST drink 8 glasses of water everyday..
lebih skit pn tak pe..sebab air xde kalori,ataupun, u can drink all u want..
here's bits of the benefits you can get out of drinking water..

AHA!, how? well, if you drink sufficiently everyday, nutrients can easily be distributed throughout ur body. which leads to the cells to repair itself more efficiently and effectively.
and also, prevent us from having kidney and liver disease. once both kidney n liver are working prefectly, there's no reason to have problems right??

yes2, this is TRUE. doctors suggest that we drink 1 glass of water when we wake up before we wash up..this is because the enzymes in our saliva, helps to neutralize the acids in our stomach, water will helps the disposal of metabolic poisons runs smoothly. in return, preventing us from hvng ulcers or constipations.

lack of water in our body leads to dehydration. it will also affect our skin,making it dry n wrinkled. sufficient intake of water helps moisturize our skin. water helps to make our skin looking supple n young naturally.

Water can lose weight. Why? Because water is not calorie, fat free, cholesterol free and low natrium. Beside that, water helps the body fat stored outlines.
For those who are dieting, water can be a friend who should not be forgotten. By drinking warm water before eating, will help us feel full so that will reduce appetite and reduce our food portions. Drinking water will not make fat because water does not contain calories, sugars and fats.

Without taking in enough water, the body can be susceptible to disease. So, be sure to consume at least 8 glasses each day, or about at least two liters of water. Every day, about two liters of water wasted through the skin, lungs, intestines, and kidneys.

This lost water must be changed so that we do not become dehydrated. If you are short of water or become dehydrated, so some signs such as headache, fatigue, aches, urine is concentrated, are not resistant to heat, as well as mouth and dry eyes will be on your body.

For healthy people need a minimum of two to two and a half liters of water a day. If you exercise, then you will need more water. Likewise, if you live in hot climates. For those who are obese, need to drink an extra glass of water for every extra 10 kilograms of ideal body weight.

Do not substitute water with other liquids such as fruit juice. Although a healthy body, fruit juices contain calories. Similarly, beverages that contain sugar and milk, will also make the body needs more water to digest. Especially if you drink much caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea. These drinks have a diuretic properties of compounds that increase the flow of art, so we need to drink more water to replace what was removed.

Therefore, do not drink water when you feel thirsty. When you feel thirsty, then you probably already dehydrated. Therefore, drink at least 8 glasses a day or 2 to 2.5 liters per day for your health. Drink a glass of water right now