Saturday, December 3, 2011

kaki gatai

salam semua..:D
ni nak habaq mai kat hangpa..
kaki cek gatai, bukan gatai apa la..
kaki cek gatai nak berjalan sebenaqnya.
hari2 minggu lagu nih, cek rimaeh la nak dok terperuq kat ghumah..
jadi, cek nak pi la jalan2 cari pasai sat kt luaq.
cek nak pi sorg2 ja, yela, cek nak mereleasekan tensi, hat org dok kata kan..
hehe, lagipun, cek yg nak berjalan, buatpa cek nak susahkan org lain, betui dak?
nak habaq mai tu ja, saja cek nak habaq, kot2 ada sapa2 rasa jeles
sebab hangpa ada yg kena pi keja hari sabtu nih kan?
jgn marah2 cek na, nanti hangpa cepat tua, cek taknak bertanggungjawab..:D
cek dok pikiq nak pi hat jaoh ka, hat dekat ka..
dok pi jaoh2 kang, cek penat, lmbat balik..:P
pi hat dekat, tak da benda menarik plak sat g, cek balik cepat sangat pulak..
haih, rasa mcm masalah besaq pulak nak berjalan..keke
takpa2, kita pikiq masa nak tunggu bas sat g..:D
okes, tu jaa nak merepek kt hangpa..
(aku asal Perak, tapi tetibe nak cakap loghat Kedah)
jangan marah naaaa..:D

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


yo..yo..cek ade barang baek nk cite nih..sure berbaloi nak duduk diam bace entri ni la bro, sis,..heheh
sebenaqnye, cek nak cite pasai satu produk drp dia CHORELLA.
aaa, ape2 nih? CHORELLA, dah bunyik mcm CLOROX je.haish, nih bukan CLOROX ye anda sume.
produk ni sejenis supplement yg sesuai baik yang tua atau muda.
korg kalau tau boleh check out dis website, official website for cosway..
for me, its worth spending laa, lagipun affordable la, its about rm30++(tak ingat), ade 150 tablets..
byk tu, mkn 5-10 bijik sehari.
cek dh mkn dekat sebulan lebih dah.hurm, best2, mcm entri2 yg sebelum, cek slalu bgtau pasai masalah kulit muke cek kan..
haa, sejak ambik supplement nih, Alhamdulillah,masalah kulit dha semakin berkurangan,
tapi, bile datang bulan tu, tak dapat nak elakla kan timbul sejerwat dua kt muka kan..:D,
tu standard laa beb..
CHORELLA nih, mcm adik beradik kdp spirulina la with chlorophyl, ala yg ade dlm tumbuhan2 hijau nun..:D
sesuai untuk org tua sebab leh bg tenaga, and also kurangkan sakit2 otot, tulang bg org2 yg berusia, sebab bone density kan berkurangan bile usia meningkat..dis product seems to help with that problem.
bg yg mude2 remaja mcm I nih, Chorella ade bhn2 nucleic yg dpt repair cells and rejuvenate skin cells, dapat memudakan balik sel2 yg dah menua..hehe..paham2 je laa, it revives ageing cells bacak to youth..
its rich with antioxidants properties thats y its good for yaa ladies to keep that vibrant and youthful look.
since die ade all that antioxidants properties, its means it can detox ur system, leaving u with blemish free skin..
tapi, ape2 produk pun ade la side effects die ble kite overdose, cek ambik berpada2, 3 bijik je sehari.asalkan nutrient die ada dlm bdn kite, ..
InsyaAllah, kalu die careful, effect die pun elok la, jngan pelahap sgt pasai nak cantik, sihat..
sume perkare pun kne sederhana ye la hasilnye berkat dan memberansangkan..::D
peace yooo!!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

emosi kacau..jiwa kacau..

aku tetiba rasa nak luahkan something.Sebenarnya, aku benci sangat nak balik Melaka, walaupun hakikatnye aku kne jugak balik, sebab ade kelas,tutorial bagai.tapi semua tetap jugak tak dapat nak hilangkan rasa rimas, benci aku kat Melaka nih.Yela, dah dekat 5 tahun aku kat sini.Last sem aku mati2 ingat this sem, semester last aku, tup2 sebabkan 1 subjek yg sangat lahanat, yg lebih lahanat, lecturer la, aku tak lepas.Bukan aku sorg je, lebih 30 students yg tak lepas paper ni.
Gile frust okayh, rasa mcm dah tak de makne dah hidup ni seketika.aku hilang semangat, hilang punca, aku rase mcm nak bunuh lecturer tue pun ade, and still jugak ade perasaan tu....hehe..
daripada tinggal lagi 4 bulan, terus baki pengajian aku extend kepada 1 thun.korg bygkan lah betapa stress nyer aku, nk kne face reality yg aku kne hadap melaka nih lagi cibai!
hehe, sori2 kalau tetiba mulut aku jadi terlebih celupar jap.tapi ni la perasaan aku.
walaupun dh dekat 2 bulan start sem br, aku rase aku br nk terima hakikat step by step..
but just when im startng to get comfortable, things has to go wrong.ade la some mishap somewhere yg aku rasa tak perlu kot nk disclose kat sini.biarla aku pendam sendiri selagi aku boleh.
tapi gara2 mishap ni, aku fed up nk duduk melaka, tiap kali nak berangkat pulang ke melaka dari hometown, aku rase mcm dijatuhkan hukuman mati.mase pulak berjalan perlahan sangat bile kt melaka, aku pun tak tahu, maybe perasaan aku je kot.
tapi aku cuba sedaye upaya untuk sabar, dan aku sentiasa berdoa supaya ALLAH berikan aku kesabaran yg amat tinggi, sebab aku tak nak melenting tak tentu pasal, yg in the end akan yg mendatangkan masalah pada aku nanti.
bile aku rase down, rase nk mengamuk, solat je yg dapat menenangkan aku.Alhamdulillah, aku masih lagi berupaya untuk terus kukuh dengan agama.belum lagi terpesong, dan aku berdoa supaya ALLAH sentiasa lindungi aku daripada sebarang gangguan dan jugak hasutan syaitan ataupun manusia.
aku selalu igtkan diri aku, jgn kejar bnd yg sementara, sdgkan yg hakiki tu lg penting.
riak tak mendatang ape2 faedah, malah lagi dibenci ALLAH.
biar kite kejar amal2 ibadah sebab semua tue dpt menjamin keselamatan kite di akhirat nanti, yg dpt menjauhkan kite dr azab2 neraka jahanam.
aku tak dela pandai sgt bab2 agama ni, tapi aku cuba nak menambah ilmu.aku tak pernah cakap atau cuba nak project diri aku ni sempurna,sebab aku manusia biasa yg sentiasa tak dpt lari dr melakukan kesilapan. sebab tu aku sentiasa igtkan diri aku balik kepada yg MAHA ESA.
jadi selama baki 3 bulan aku kt sni, sebelum aku leave of absence, aku cuba bersabar, set my priority straight.oh, aku nak apply LOA sebab next semester aku dah complete semua elective subjects, so aku tak payah la ambik subject next sem.
cuti la 3 bulan, pastu new sem, aku ambik 1 subject je, yg kne repeat tu, ulang alik je la hometown, then final sem, two subjects, part 2 of land law and professional practice.
aku kne go all out, sebab aku nak grad!!! hehe, tak larat woii nk extend lgi, leh mati otak hoh..:D
sementare nak sampai waktu itu, aku kne sabar, sabar dan sabar. buat hal sendiri, tak perlu campur hal org lain yg tak mendatangkan faedah untuk aku.
InsyaALLAH, tawakal..:D

Monday, November 28, 2011

back in melaka..

salam,..salam 1 malaysia..:D
hah! malam semalam jam 11 pm, org smpai melaka naik bas AB ekspress dr ipoh..
sebab last week balik cuti awal muharram kan..:D
pergh, jalan jammed gile, bertolak dr ipoh jam 3pm, smpai melaka jam 10pm gitu..
kebas bontot, ngn kaki duduk lm dlm bas woiii..
nasib baek ade mmber Anis, tolong fetch kat stesen bas..malam2 bute cm 2 mn nk cari teksi ke bas nk balik rumah kan...
hehe, owh, harini ade midterm test..tapi2 kan...belum study pun..
ok, wish me luck..:D

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

wordless wednesday or wordfull?

hye there peeps..
so today i got few things to say..
mostly about how i am as a person..what im like..what i don't like and hate..
just thought of posting entry to clear things about myself..(
i dnt know to who im explaining, but hell, i dont care)

what i like/love:
~food,LOVE plain water(cant live without it)
~music~kpop,r&b,english etc..
~action movies(the bloodier the better)

what i hate:
~lagu jiwang karat melayu(i hate listening to it, and I HATE people singing to it)
~hate listening to girls talking nonstop abt boys,(gives me headache)
~being at place crowded with ppl
~being in long line
~being stared at for no obvious reason
~anything in pink(i like warm,smooth pink, as long as its not on me)

sooooo, thats about more or less of what i like and hate..
there are other things that i didnt put up..but these are some of my top like n hate lists...
whenever things i hate happen, i would either go balistic and shout at those concerned or i just put on my headphone and turn up the volume so i wont hear anything..
right now, im really trying to control my anger cz i dont want to pick fights with anyone..
im just trying to live my life peacefully without any crap disturbing me..
just wanna complete my studies in a proper manner..
"sabar2, lagi 3 bulan je lg"
call me insensitive whatever, im tired of always caring about ppl's feeling, when nobody even care how i felt..
tired about being stabbed at the back, fooled around, taking advantaged done..
im not perfect, and i never said i was perfect in any way..but im human too, i have feelings too..
you dont like being told this? then be it, you can't always have what you want in life you see...

Sunday, November 20, 2011


salam sume...hye peeps..salam satu Malaysia as our Lecturer used to greet us at the start of the class..
caption? I'M ALIVE? hehe, saje je..alive as in dh jumpe punca aliran internet..ceihhhh, "punca aliran" KONON..gedik!
eh, tak2, saye bukan budak gedik, jauh sekali dari diri saye SEBENAR..kuang2..
takde2, entri kali ni bukan nk cite kegedikan sape2..lagipun, saye tak tau pun definisi GEDIK tue..kehkeh..
sori2, otak tengah agak bengong sikit hari, hari ISNIN la katekan, ape die omputih selalu cakap..MONDAY BLUES gitu..haaaa, bukan otak blue okay, blues tu MOOD..mood cuti hari minggu still mengikat diri lg..ecehhhh..
hari ni dh merngkap hari ke-3 masuk far, so good..xde problem..hidup lagi..
ni bukan hostel zaman sekolah2..ade ragging nk ragging aku, aku ragging dorg lg teruk..
gangster habis bunyik..:D
sebenarnyer, tengah menghitung hari nk balik kampung, nk balik cuti awal muharram minggu depan.
tapi, yg tak syoknyer, hari isnin tu jugak kne balik melaka jugak sebab esoknyer ade exam midterm..haa, berani mati tak org?? argh, tak kire, keinginan mengatasi segalanyer..
wa lindu wa punye amma, appa, wa punye lumah woooo..ehe...
owh2, sempena awal muharram nnt, rajin2 la kite puasa ye..jom2, kite tambah pahale nak??
ni tuk org MUSLIM je laa, jgn la yg NON MUSLIM g puasa gak, xpsl2 org kne dakwa incite korg pulak..(perasan le mcm ramai sgt yg baca blog kau!)
haaa, bile tu nk puasa??
ni nk bagitau ni, alang2 kite share2 care nk tmbah pahale ye dak?
elok kite puasa 10 muharram, tapi lg afdal kite puasa sehari sebelum dan sehari selepas 10 muharram, yakni, 9,10,11 muharram..
nak tau nikmat puasa 10 muharram nih?
ni org amik dari

- Puasa yang paling utama dilakukan pada bulan Muharram adalah puasa ‘Aasyuura’ (puasa pada tanggal 10 Muharram), karena Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam melakukannya dan memerintahkan para sahabat radhiyallahu ‘anhum untuk melakukannya[3], dan ketika Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam ditanya tentang keutamaannya beliau bersabda,
يُكَفِّرُ السَّنَةَ الْمَاضِيَةَ

Puasa ini menggugurkan (dosa-dosa) di tahun yang lalu“[4].

- Lebih utama lagi jika puasa tanggal 10 Muharram digandengankan dengan puasa tanggal 9 Muharram, dalam rangka menyelisihi orang-orang Yahudi dan Nashrani, karena Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam ketika disampaikan kepada beliau bahwa tanggal 10 Muharram adalah hari yang diagungkan orang-orang Yahudi dan Nashrani, maka beliau bersabda,
فَإِذَا كَانَ الْعَامُ الْمُقْبِلُ – إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ – صُمْنَا الْيَوْمَ التَّاسِعَ

Kalau aku masih hidup tahun depan, maka sungguh aku akan berpuasa pada tanggal 9 Muharram (bersama 10 Muharram).” [5]

haaa, tgk tue, kalau kite puasa pd bulan muharram, ibarat menggugurkan puasa kite tahun2 lepas..nikmat sangat tu..jadi marila kite same2 amik peluang nih, untuk menyucikan diri kite sedekit demi sedikit dengan peluang yg Allah beri pada kite..:D

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

MOM's THE WORD i am again..hope ur not sick of me..YET..hehe
Right,i want to talk about moms, mommies, mothers..dads,daddies,
we all know that moms have lotsa worries for their children kan???
i mean, they tend to worry about small things when it comes to their children.
of course my mom is not an exception.and sometimes, i just breaks my heart..
for instance, just now, my mom called me, to say hye and also to check up on me..
you see, im currently in the midst of completing my final year studies doing law.
and just recently, i had to move out of my 3 bedrooms rented apartment that i shared with 2 of my friends for almost 5 years.
it was supposed to be cleared out since last month,and i should've been in the hostel by now, but im just not that ready..hehe, its kinda hard to leave the house many memories,
OK, im feeling NOSTALGIC right about NOW..and i think im gonna CRY..(mengada2 sgt ko NYAH)
anyhow, while both of my friends/housemates, either graduated or backpacker student, they're done clearing out stuffs from the house except me..
well, i've been cleaning, throwing trashes alone, and albeit still having class everyday, i just don;t feel like fully moving out..:P
so, when Syaz when back home for the weekend, i just stayed at the house all by myself, which was FINE for me..don't get wrong, i love having a house full of people..but sometimes being alone means freedom,betol dak???
soooooooooo, whenever im alone, in this 3 bedrooms apartment, my mom n dad would be frantically worried and keep on texting and calling to check on me..
my dad would be nonstop texter,hehe, while my mom would often call me during the night, to keep me "company".
i kept on telling them, that im FINE staying alone, because im comfortable being alone at home, like i can do anything i want, i can clean, make noise, sing out loud without having to care that someone's gonna come banging on my door..
but being worried parent, nothing can ease their my mom would have sleepless nights thinking about me miles away from home..
it literally breaks my heart, but i just dont know how to explain to them that im completely OKAY, alive and breathing.AND STILL HUMAN..
i hate making them worried.its as if im letting them down in some ways that i dont even understand.
GOSH..pama, tolong jangan risau please...orang sangat2 lah okay kt cni, yes im having a hard time coping with the changes happening, but im PUSHING please jgn risau..
i got HIM watching over me.InsyaALLAH..sume okay..:)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


harini kannnn, sy sgt senang hati membelanje rakan2 saye makan stimbot..
makan ramai, best, havoc..erm, takde lah ramai pun, bertiga jer, tapi..tapi..
bertiga pun dah gaya macam 10 org..punya bising ngn pecah perut ktorg kt restaurant..
i think its exact to say, its not the number that matter, but the real company that matter..
biarlah bertiga, berdua ke..tapi org yang kite habiskan hari kite tue, org yg kite hargai, dan juga yg hargai kite..betul dak??
hehe, lepas makan kenyang2, sampai butang seluar pun nk burst..(ish2, pompuan ape burok lantak nih..)
ktorg g menyoping kedai kasut..hehe, sale beb, sale..rugi kot kalau tak shopping selori dua..
eh2, takde la sampai lori2, melampau la tau, ingat aku ade kilang cop duit kaa macha?
tapi ade la setakat sempat menyambar liquid eyeliner satu dengan sepasang kasut flat hitam..
haaa, eyeliner tu mungkin la agak gatai tgn membeli, tapi yang kasut tu memang worthy investment, sebab kasut formal yg lame dh daif sgt, tak kire membaziaq la..
(saje nk legakan hati supaya tak rase diri membazir)
haip..haip..tak baik mengeluh bile dh berbelanje..bak kate pengarang buku motivasi "TAU TAK APA", En. Tuah, kite kne bersyukur sebab kite mampu untuk berbelanje barang2 yg kite perlukan..
kate beliau juga, kite kne tanamkan dlm diri supaya tak mengeluh bile terpakse mengeluarkan duit ketika berbelanje, tak baik, tak bersyukur dgn rezeki yang ALLAH bagi..
jadi mari kite bersyukur sebab kite masih mampu memenuhi keperluan hidup kite, sentiasa beringat pada org2 yg tak bernasib baik mcm kite..(adoi, rs mcm penceramah la pulak)
takpe2, kite share2 je pesanan yg elok untuk kebaikan kite ye dak???(cakap ye, CEPATTT);)
oklah..tu je yg merepek harini..
nnt kalau ade benda menarik lagi, akanku rajinkan diri berkongsi ye..

Saturday, November 12, 2011

walking down the memory lane..

i woke up this morning with a feeling of uneasiness..torn between two realities..
its hard to walk out of the house that we've lived in for so many years..
a house that holds gazillion memories, laughters, screams and madness..
friends who are always there for you whenever you need them, who you can share your problems and sorrows with, who always lifts you up when you're down..
its feels as if leaving your whole life walking away..
i never thought i would feel this horrible, eventhough my new home is just few minutes away..
i guess i'll miss the freedom and carefree that i have from this old house..
when im sitting alone in the hall, i could see and re-lived every moments that my housemates and i went through all this years, 5 whole years to be accurate..
it was so real, vivid and clear..that i found myself laughing by myself..thinking about all the funny madness Syaz, SOnia and i used to have..
im gonna miss that a lot..i mean really MISS..
but its time to make new memories from now on..
GOODBYE BLOCK D 3-5, BBP apartment..

Monday, September 26, 2011


its been weeks, months, since i had a clear mind, to be able to really think and open up my eyes to what's real and what's not..
just enough time to make changes in my life,but sometimes, that kind changes doesn't really matter to one's view.
its never good to keep things bottled up inside of yaa, and because of trying to make people arround you happy, you end up not..
what i can say, what saved me from falling a lot deeper in this "mesmerizing and deceptive" life, is ALLAH.
even if when there's nobody else beside me, when the whole world is against me, ALLAH is always and will forever be with me..
the strength i got was to accept everything that hurts, and turn into anamoly of dusts in the air..
even if you're alone, with no human called friends, just remember you have one that suffice for eternity.
it took me a while to realise it, because i was so busy thinking about things that don't matter, i forget..
i was lost in pain, betrayal, and thought that its over..on my bended knees i call out for HIM
answers were right in front of me all along, i just didn't see it coming..
its as clear as day now..
what i see as truth..what you see as truth..what they see,what i believe, what you plural as it can get ..nobody knows..
there's no point of going back to how it was..
the privileges lies on the hands that holds, us, you, HIM..
from now on, every steps,every breathe, every thoughts..BISMILLAH..

Friday, August 5, 2011

brush the dust away..

puuhhh...fuuuhhhh...fushhhh...byknyer habuk, ni la akibatnye lame tak menjengah ke blog ni..
biasa laa, dh buat2 sibuk..ngn kelas lagi, dengan mcm2 kerenah harian..
so skrg, dh penat asyik potpet mulut.,tukar angin nk pot pet gne jari jemari plak..:)
hari ni, dh 6 hari kita berpuasa, di bulan Ramadhan yg mulia ini..haaa, korg puasa tak ni??
jagn puasa yok2 dh la..tak baik wohhh!!
heheh, ini ramadhan yg ke 4kali yer kt Melaka,huhuu..xdpt nk puasa 1st day kt ipoh, my lovely hometown..ipoh mali!!
tak pe ler, nk buat mcmane weih, hidup perantau..(eleh, 4 jam je pun dr ipoh, perantau hotak heh)
kat sini, bazaar ramadhan kira2 30++ langkah dr apartment, hehe..kononlaa..
yg jauh, lg byk pilihan tak dapt nk menjengah, tak dak kereta laaa..
lagipun, pilihan juadah yg sikit pun boleh pening, ni kan yg byk,..puhhhh, konfem tamak sekilat saaat..:P
okes, nk cuba buat benda2 yg productive jap arini..papai!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


hye y'all!! assalamu'alaikum....
WoW!! its been ages since i last updated my blog here aye??
i was kinda lost interest in blogging due to my hectic student life..(motip alasan basi)
hehe, whatever lah! now its time to relax n breathe the breezeeeeeee..yaauwww...
okeh2, nk update sikit what i've been up to this last few cyclones..
been making few changing in my health regimen, just to get back on my feet, n brain, n my sanity laa.
under the recommendation of this chinese auntie(she got shop near my house leyhh), i started taking vitamin b complex for my hormonal imbalance porblem..and also a way to deal with my STRESS i really meant STRESSSED out, to the point i couldnt get my head straight
i would lock myslef in the room, and practically do nothing..just get immersed into my emotional battle..(kiangggg sounds like im going nutty nuts..)
i always knew i got something loose up there somewhere, but now down there also loose or broken d lol..:)
after 3 months of not having the normal visit that every normal female should, i finally got them last week..just 2 days after taking vit. B and EPO(evening primrose) BOY!! what a relieve!! phewwwh!..
now i feel normal again,,a BIT..:P
my 3 weeks break starting today..can;t wait to get back to my hometown..arghhh, the thrill of having my own bed again, n my homely home is just heavenly!!
also something else is giving me that thrill waiting my package..
something i wana try out..keeping my fingers crossed that it will work!!
aitees...time to go mates...bye2..back to my underground tunnel for 3 weeks...:)
but will remain alive,..:)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

thoughts of the day

its in Malacca..
as hot as my fury anger..hahaha..nahhhh,just for spur of a moment jer..
something juz occured to me, that, sometimes its better for you to stand on your own feet, and walk it off.
walk it off until you collapsed,..don't beg for other's FEET..
hahaha, im stating things vague here..why?? because i want to..:)
i can be really naive at times, thinking that everything or everyone are reliable since i would do anything for them when situation calls for it..
but the truth of the matter is, the reality says otherwise..
just like a friend said to me.."sometimes our own shadow leaves us in darkness"
well, this time, i'll juz rub it off my shoulders, and forget it..
the fault could be mine, or it could not..
its FRIDAY, i'll juz smile and be me, crazy,noisy me.:)
and friends who i miss near or far,..BE SAFE N BE HAPPY!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


hello peeps...
its my 23rd birthday today...
as usual, its a boring birthday for me..
y?? because no body actually remembered about it!!
not even my sad is that??
i only realized yesterday, after i saw the date on my phone..
"haaah!! its 22/2/2011, 2moro, im turning 23.."
geezzzz, i can't even remember my own am i suppose to expect others to remember rite??
soo, enough about my boring life..
im gonna tell you about what i have embraced today..
ngeh2, bunyi macam ape jerk!!
okay2, today i followed my sis to her workplace..where?
taylor's college...WHAT??? yes, the TAYLOR'S COLLEGE, lakeside view..
OMGEEEEE!!! the campus was damn huge, amazingly equiped with all the facilities..
and, there's a huge lake inside in the middle of the campus! can u believe that??
i was dumbfounded when i set foot here...
way..way..WAY..better than MMU..beyond comparison too..
there's a hotel,kinda like a mall..with old town cafe, baskin robbins,
damn, i felt like ive wasted soo many years stuck in a place that just soo unworthy..
students here, live a very luxurious life, i'll tell you that much!
shooottt, i forgot my camera..soo, zero snapshot of this awesome place..
haih...some people are just born lucky..:(

Thursday, February 17, 2011

time flies...

its been ages since i blogged...gotta admit it, i lost my brain somewhere this past weeks..
now its finally time to relax n get a clear mind for once after soo long..
i'll be staying in my sis for a while..just to hang out with my friends..
got some things i need to do, enquire...
something important..something to clarify..
and hopefully give me some peace of mind..
without it, i'll go nuts..well, im already halfway going crazy..
fingers crossed!

Friday, January 7, 2011


mari adik2, kite eja AIR,Aa...Ii....Rr...AIR..
teringin plak jd cikgu tiba2..
eh2, tak2..saje je, sy tak reti mengajar pun..silap2 sy yg kne AJAR..:)
ok2, this time, i wanna tell you about the benefit of drinking WATER..
i know, in my previous entries, i've talked about what WATER can really do for you..
baik your health, or beauty..
well, i wanna continue from that lah..
as we all know, the more u drink, d better u would feel..
we are often told by doctors that we should AT LEAST, i say AT LEAST drink 8 glasses of water everyday..
lebih skit pn tak pe..sebab air xde kalori,ataupun, u can drink all u want..
here's bits of the benefits you can get out of drinking water..

AHA!, how? well, if you drink sufficiently everyday, nutrients can easily be distributed throughout ur body. which leads to the cells to repair itself more efficiently and effectively.
and also, prevent us from having kidney and liver disease. once both kidney n liver are working prefectly, there's no reason to have problems right??

yes2, this is TRUE. doctors suggest that we drink 1 glass of water when we wake up before we wash up..this is because the enzymes in our saliva, helps to neutralize the acids in our stomach, water will helps the disposal of metabolic poisons runs smoothly. in return, preventing us from hvng ulcers or constipations.

lack of water in our body leads to dehydration. it will also affect our skin,making it dry n wrinkled. sufficient intake of water helps moisturize our skin. water helps to make our skin looking supple n young naturally.

Water can lose weight. Why? Because water is not calorie, fat free, cholesterol free and low natrium. Beside that, water helps the body fat stored outlines.
For those who are dieting, water can be a friend who should not be forgotten. By drinking warm water before eating, will help us feel full so that will reduce appetite and reduce our food portions. Drinking water will not make fat because water does not contain calories, sugars and fats.

Without taking in enough water, the body can be susceptible to disease. So, be sure to consume at least 8 glasses each day, or about at least two liters of water. Every day, about two liters of water wasted through the skin, lungs, intestines, and kidneys.

This lost water must be changed so that we do not become dehydrated. If you are short of water or become dehydrated, so some signs such as headache, fatigue, aches, urine is concentrated, are not resistant to heat, as well as mouth and dry eyes will be on your body.

For healthy people need a minimum of two to two and a half liters of water a day. If you exercise, then you will need more water. Likewise, if you live in hot climates. For those who are obese, need to drink an extra glass of water for every extra 10 kilograms of ideal body weight.

Do not substitute water with other liquids such as fruit juice. Although a healthy body, fruit juices contain calories. Similarly, beverages that contain sugar and milk, will also make the body needs more water to digest. Especially if you drink much caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea. These drinks have a diuretic properties of compounds that increase the flow of art, so we need to drink more water to replace what was removed.

Therefore, do not drink water when you feel thirsty. When you feel thirsty, then you probably already dehydrated. Therefore, drink at least 8 glasses a day or 2 to 2.5 liters per day for your health. Drink a glass of water right now