Thursday, August 26, 2010

Human nowadays..

salam, hye, hello, anneyeoung...:)
15 days of fasting already..
time sure fly fast..i hardly realised its been 2 weeks since we started fasting..
next thing you know, raya is just few days sighed!!

haa, back to the real topic..
im sure im not the only one who have the same doubt about human behaviour..
by way of human behaviour i mean, what some of us think about others..
ye laa, macam kadang2 "kawan kite" or "classmate"(nk kate kawan, xjugak), sometimes even all the time, have this sick feeling towards others, as in envy, jealousy, backstabbing etc..
i don't get it, why would you wanna feel all those negative emotions, towards others, who never bothered about you in the first place?
why is it soo important to these people to outdo others, by flaunting their expensives gadgets, convertibles, clothings, when no one even cared..
what do they get in return? if you say satisfaction..i'll ask you back, WHAT SATISFACTION???
is it obvious, when the people you intend to hurt, never show any signs that they care if you have latest gadgets, brand new car, brand new blackberry, brand new ipad..duhhhh..NOT INTERESTED...
u nk buat org sakit hati, tapi, last2 u yg plaing sakit..sakit duit, sakit malu, sakit lagi hati bile, turns out, org xpeduli pun pasal u langsung..worst, they didn't even notice you all this while..
kenape nk kacau hidup org len, klu org tue xpenah kacau hidup u? org giler jer yg buat keje macam tue..especially, when they don't have anything else in their life to depend on..
so, the only way they can have "fun", is by looking down on others..seriously, that's sick..real sick..
these people should get a life..PERIOD..get areal life, real friends that you sincerely care about, not because they're rich, or famous..because they're a true friends who doesn't care who you are, as long as you're willing to be a better person than you were before..
you'll be happier that way, rather than being surrounded by all those negative energy, negative thought..

"what lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us"
~Walt Emerson~

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