Tuesday, June 29, 2010

NeW tiPs.

do u know that honey can actually helps u to lose weight??
i've heard about it before but never tried..
only consume it before sleep, to speed up my brain..keke
but recently i found out that mixing honey and cinnamon in warm water,
actually an ancient tip to lose weight..
cinnamon is used because it increases ur metabolic rate..combine with honey, t burns fat..
hurm, seems interesting..maybe i'll try it..and see how it goes..plufff...


  1. atenn,
    my mom mmg amalkan this tips.
    seriously ia sgt membantu menurunkan berat badan.
    it takes a month or two gak la.
    tapi this type of diet bukan je turunkan berat badan tau.
    tau x cinnamon sgt baik to fight cancer, high-blood pressure dgn migrain?
    google it up.
    cinnamon ada byk khasiat.(despite the fact i cannot stand the smell,haha!)
    once dah turun berat badan kalo still minum jugak cinnamon+honey ni, it will maintain your weight.
    i've tried it before tp stop sebab tak tahan bau cinnamon haha! (aku kan orang kampung! :P)
    tp one day akan ku kembali semula ke tips-tips ini.(takut woo kena kanser,haha!)

    p/s:eh tp cinnamon tu bukan yg kulit kayu manis yang sebijik gabak tu tau. it must be a cinnamon powder. kedai kek jual lg murah from any other place. *wink*

  2. betul2..aten bli kt mydin, rm1.50 jer..
    buh skit dh jadik..
    bau agak pening la, but as long as its good for ur health, telan je laa..:P
    its also good for diabetics ppl..turunkan level gula..
    im still doing research about petua2 org tua nih..:P
