Thursday, July 8, 2010

people changes just like the weather..

people changes..those are the words that any sane person would say if the person they knew acted in a way that they never did before..
others say that people change through time and circumstances..
but for me, that's just not a reasonable excuse to cover up whatever mishap they caused..
you know like for example, in anyone's "normal" life, there's got to be this one lil' menace or "evil creature descendant from the hell"(haha). That's always find a way to ruin my peacefulness..
and this "person", who acted like they're a "saint" in front of you and other people, but behind you, they're worst than you'd ever imagine..[wouldn't it be shocking for you to found out abt it?]
well, i sure did!!..i mean, i always knew that she, as in my case is a "she", is some kind of a mental case gone WAYYYY wrong..i just never thought that it was THAT BAD..
BAD in the sense of DROP DEAD DRUNK..she who somewhat seems sooo religious from the beginning..would turn out to be such BULLSHIT..
as if, all this while, she's wearing this THICK mask over her TRUE COLORS..just waiting to blow up in the open..
after 4 freaking years, she finally came out from her hiding..hiding behind saintly mask..
i don't know if she has any pride left..but im sure its beginning to fade..and she doesn't seems to care..
im not saying this because i care, i was just trying to make a clear statement that, sometimes or actually most of the time, appearance don't really show you, a person real personality..
like the saying goes, appearance can be deceiving..
just think about it for a second, is it worth it to lose your pride and dignity just to satisfy your desire to conquer something that doesn't really matter..if it is, have you ever thought about what is left after all is gone??
it's just my thought, and it's for you decide..what's real and what's not..what's good and what's bad..

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