Wednesday, July 14, 2010


hye peeps..yeah, its me, again..:P"of course its me,its my blog"*wink*
okeh, the heading says it all..don't you think?
friend,friends,friendship,girlfriend,boyfriend..have you ever thought that it actually meant something..
combination of two different words together>>girl + friend>>boy+friend
well, this is what i think..each and everyone of us needs someone else besides us right?
by saying that i meant, LOVE. And peeps, im not just pointing out one type of LOVE..
it can be love for the family, love of a friend,..the definition love is such a broad horizon of definition..
just look at what we look for in a spouse..we want our wife or husband have that special criteria, that X-FACTOR, the kind we can feel like their our FRIEND. in a sense, in marriage, your wife or husband can your best friend.
some say, you'll have all the happiness in life if you're in love with your best friend..
the one who understands you more than you understand yourself. the one who you can lean on when you're having the worst day ever..the one who listens to your whining all the time*hehe*, and the one whom you can open up to about every single thing without having the slightest awkward feeling..
for me, i think that's when you can actually say that "im happy, i have everything i needed in life to go on for eternity"
although the reality doesn't seems that easy, but i have faith, i BELIEVE someday, someone will come and take my hands, hold me into the warmth of those soothing arms..*fingers crossed*
*hahah* me old fashioned, but i do believe, that each and everyone of us are destined find our soul mates..its just a matter of time..GOTTA HAVE FAITH..:)

thats friendship in LOVE..
how about LOVE in FRIENDSHIP?
as the malay saying goes "berkawan biar seribu, berkasih biar satu"
there's a truth in that..go ahead and make as much friends you want, but when it comes to LOVE, make sure you find the right one..don't make a mistake that you'll regret your whole life for..
i know, you'll say, "its easy to say, but hard to do"
heyyy, is about trial and error ain't it?? soo, make mistakes, learn from it..its no big deal..:)
we're not perfect, not a SAINT..just HUMAN..prone to error..:)
just don't make mistakes forever and never learn from it..thats disastrous..
im lucky..really lucky, because i happen to have such a great group of true friends..
friends that stick with me, through good and and downs..
we're fortunate to have met each other in this place called MMU,MELAKA..:)
from 2006-2010..lets hope that it goes on for years to come..:)
lets prove that "true friendship never dies" is real..:)


to Anis Adilla, Sherliza Hilmiy, Syazana, Sonia, Syamimi Aimi...i love you gurls soo much..:)
you've shown me the true meaning of FRIENDSHIP..

1 comment:

  1. atennn!
    love u too.
    hey ada follower baru!
    new improvement heh! :D
