Wednesday, November 16, 2011

MOM's THE WORD i am again..hope ur not sick of me..YET..hehe
Right,i want to talk about moms, mommies, mothers..dads,daddies,
we all know that moms have lotsa worries for their children kan???
i mean, they tend to worry about small things when it comes to their children.
of course my mom is not an exception.and sometimes, i just breaks my heart..
for instance, just now, my mom called me, to say hye and also to check up on me..
you see, im currently in the midst of completing my final year studies doing law.
and just recently, i had to move out of my 3 bedrooms rented apartment that i shared with 2 of my friends for almost 5 years.
it was supposed to be cleared out since last month,and i should've been in the hostel by now, but im just not that ready..hehe, its kinda hard to leave the house many memories,
OK, im feeling NOSTALGIC right about NOW..and i think im gonna CRY..(mengada2 sgt ko NYAH)
anyhow, while both of my friends/housemates, either graduated or backpacker student, they're done clearing out stuffs from the house except me..
well, i've been cleaning, throwing trashes alone, and albeit still having class everyday, i just don;t feel like fully moving out..:P
so, when Syaz when back home for the weekend, i just stayed at the house all by myself, which was FINE for me..don't get wrong, i love having a house full of people..but sometimes being alone means freedom,betol dak???
soooooooooo, whenever im alone, in this 3 bedrooms apartment, my mom n dad would be frantically worried and keep on texting and calling to check on me..
my dad would be nonstop texter,hehe, while my mom would often call me during the night, to keep me "company".
i kept on telling them, that im FINE staying alone, because im comfortable being alone at home, like i can do anything i want, i can clean, make noise, sing out loud without having to care that someone's gonna come banging on my door..
but being worried parent, nothing can ease their my mom would have sleepless nights thinking about me miles away from home..
it literally breaks my heart, but i just dont know how to explain to them that im completely OKAY, alive and breathing.AND STILL HUMAN..
i hate making them worried.its as if im letting them down in some ways that i dont even understand.
GOSH..pama, tolong jangan risau please...orang sangat2 lah okay kt cni, yes im having a hard time coping with the changes happening, but im PUSHING please jgn risau..
i got HIM watching over me.InsyaALLAH..sume okay..:)

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