Tuesday, November 30, 2010

MisSing YoU

naaaa...missing you?? miss sapekah?^_*
bukan2, bukan miss boyfriend..ngeh2, sebab wa takde boyfriend..T__T
tapi, wa tak kisah, sebab wa ade kawan2 yg sangat best!!
kawan2 wa comel2, manis2, baik2, wa syg kawan2 wa sangat2..
aik, asl burok beno membahasekan diri nih..tukar2 "wa" pd "org".heeheee..;)
okeh, start dr mule..get set..ready..GOOOOO...weeet..weeet..
macam nie cite dier..
pagi tadi..eh2, bukan2, mlm tadi laa, org tunggu2 la jugak kawan2 org, aka girlfriends org kate nk dtg lepak rumah ktorg..
tapi, alamatnyer, org terlelap la kol 8 lebih dh mimpi dah..
dorg pn tak jadi datang,..takde khabar berita pn..:P sedeyh!!!!!!wa kecewaaaaa!(ops, terlebeh plak emonyer)..takpe2, wa tetap syg korg!
p/s: cik ANIS ADILLA,SHERLIZA HILMIY,memang selalu jadi gini, kate nk dtg, tp tak dtg..
cik WAN SYAMIMI AIMI, minggu ni br jumpe kt kelas..suke..suke sangat!!
sebab ape? haaaaa, sebab minah sorg nih, she's like my happy trigger..
huh??? ape tue?? hehe, what i meant was, bile jumpe die, automatic happy.
just dengar her laughter pun kite jd happy..(aiyob2, jn pikir bukan2)
she's a friend, who you can count on whenever you got a problem..she's the one you can lean on,
she's the one you look for when you need someone to listen to your problem.
minah nih, wa tell you, can make you laugh like hell, tgk gelagat je dh cukup..
kadang2 sebab kan kawan2..org leh gelak sorg2 sampai nangis2..
i love you gurls soo much..
you're the only reason y i can still bare living in melaka..

ANIS ADILLA, haa, minah nih mmg leh jd the light of a party!!
she can light up a boring scenario in no time!!
with her wits and jokes, surely leave you laughing on the floor..
anis is soo full wisdom and courage..
when im feeling down sometimes, her words usually what keeps me going on..
seeing her confidence and courage in whatever she does, buatkan org rs berani nk cuba something new..
and be bold in what i do..

combination of both..complete hiatus!!
hahah, good kind of chaos la..
sorang kecoh, sorg tukang tambah kecoh..so, you sum up everything, see what you get??
anis suke buat lawak KUNING, jaja, konon malu2, (padahal tukang add up)
ble dorg team up, memang boleh gelak mati arghh..owh!!
klu WAN SYAMIMI AIMI team up dgn dorg lg la...
silap2 boleh masuk emergency room sbb pecah perut gelak!

SONIA ~my weird twin..
twin?? hehe, twin yg beza umur, beza race, beza sumenyer..
tp, we think a like, we like almost the same thing, we've got the same style..
hurm, but we're totally opposite..
ok, org sendiri confused, but thats we are..:P
only SONIA and I can understand..
owh2, ktorg same2 panas baran, combination of both..~DANGEROUS VOLCANO waiting to explode..wahwahwah..

SYAZANA~sweetest thing ever!!
minah kecik nih, eeeee...kecik,sweet sgt, sometimes i can pinch her to death..
ok2, takde la sampai nk bg mati anak dara org..ehehhe
die ni agak penyabar gak laa...(she's like a twin to WAN SYAMIMI AIMI)
mcm org twin ngn SONIA la..:P
she's someone i can layan kpop with 24/7!
i can go crazy like SUPER crazy with her 24/7
she's soo cute when she's in LOVE..hahah..
i like teasing her, its fun!(jn mara arh syazzy..;)

soo!!!! actually byk benda nk cite pasal dorg2 nih, tp, penat laa..setahun pn xhbs cite..
sebab dorg, org tgk album2 gmbr lm lepak ramai2 pn leh emo..sayu..
hehehhe, they're like a treasure i've been spending my whole life diving under the sea, climbing mountains, searching the woods for..
friends that are one in million..
wahh, not even words can describe how valueable they are to me..
geezz, even if i try, i can't seem to find words for them..
to describe how thankful i am for having them in my life..
walaupun kadang2 org ni burok perangai, panas baran,dorg still accept me for who i am..
never question y i am who i am, always give me great advise to keep me going..
apart from family, they're the closest thing i hold dearly in my heart..
muahhh..hopefully, kite leh kawan sampai hujung nyawa..:)

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