Friday, November 12, 2010

more than blue

more than blue (2009)
kwon sang woo and lee bo-young
haaa, MORE THAN BLUE..agak2 mst korg dh pikir benda lain kan tgk title atas td kn..
hehe, ini actually title sebuah korean movie nih..gmbar yg first skli kt atas tu..
movie ni sangat..sangatlaa meruntuh hati seseorang, baik lelaki ataupun perempuan(lelaki yg berhati sentimental, bkn ehem2 harapnyer)
ok, drp cakap meleret je, baik org terangkan sikit pasal movie ni, since, mesti korg xtau menahu pasal movie ni kan..
cite die mcm ni, watak Kwon Sang Woo sebagai K, while Lee Bo-YOung sebagai Cream..
dorg berdua orphan, ending up staying together since highschool..
dlm diam, dorg nih cinta ssatu sama lain, tp, K nih, sakit cancer and dying just like his father was..So, die hides his feelings, pas2, die sedaya upaya sembunyikan penyakit drp Cream.
sayang punya pasal, die sanggup carikan "perfect guy" untuk Cream, so that the guy boleh jage Cream bile K mati nanti.
Cream, pd mulanyer tak tau pun pasal K's condition. Die dpt tau, ble die jumpa pil yg K selalu mkn,for his pain, ble doktor explain kt Cream, what the pills were for..
Cream, demi nk fullfill K's wish, die pn berkenalan dgn Dr Cha Joo Hwan, doktor gigi yg famous, kaya, sihat.Dorg kahwin,Cream buat untuk K.
Sedih giler cite nih, takes the meaning of true love to a whole new level.
mcm jugak Romeo and Juliet, bile Romeo sanggup mati demi Juliet.
same jugaklah K yg sanggup korbankan kebahagiaan die, lepaskan Cream, utk kahwin ngn org lain, sebab die tak boleh bersama ngn Cream.
Cream, pulak, sanggup berkahwin tanpa dasar cinta pd Cha Joo Hwan, demi nk penuhi impian K, without him knowing.
saddest part is, when K died, Cream took her own life, sebab die tak boleh hidup tanpa K.
huhu..the ending was touching, sad..especially, bile last2 Cha Joo Hwan tinggal sorg, without Cream, as his wife.
huhu. korg tengoklah cite ni leh phm ape org terangkan td..:)

ni Trailer die..T__T

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