Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pentingnya meminum air mineral

salam selasa buat semua..:)
hari ni,wa ade 2 kelas,tp wa pegi kelas pagi jer,kekeke
wa tak larat nk pegi kelas tutorial kol 2 td..
eh..eh, asal cm gangster sgt bahase diri "wa..wa" nih..tak de sje je.
haaa, dh terlanjur bgn tdo, nk la mengupdate blog...
nk cite la sikit psl pentingnyer kite minum byk air, yg seperti di syorkan oleh doktor
atleast sehari 8 gelas air, ehem, air putih yer, bkn air manis or berkabornat.
dlu org just iyer2 kn jer fact 2, tp, tak sedar about the significant importance of it..
until laa this last few days, org susah nk "wee..wee",hehehe
plus, sakit giler bahagian pinggang kot, sebelah kiri..
first i thought it was nothing, then lame2 makin teruk, tried drinking water a lot,
tp, tak elok, and tak kurang pn sakit..
smlm gigih gak la pegi klinik, yer laa, takut kot, sebab sakit kt kidney..
pegi2, doktor tny"yes,sakit ape?""haa, doktor, sy de problem nk buang air, ad sakit pinggang"
doktor 2 pn tekan2 bahagian belakang org, and amik temperature dahi, it was 37 darjah celcius..
pastu die suh bg urine sample, huhuh tak suke bab nih ok..
then, die check, first thing die ckp, "its very dirty la"..ceitttttt, mau tak takut aku..
terus die tny "u tak minum plain water ker?" "u atleast kne minum 1 botol besar mineral sehari tau"
huhuhu, terkedu sekjap, bkn ape, org mmg slalu minum air, just that mse cuti sem br2 nih,
galak sgt minum air manis, berkabornat except plain water
yela, kt umh mcm2 air berperisa wujud kt kaunter dapur kannn, tak pulak tergoda tgk..:P
dh dgr doktor ckp cm2, nyesal plak tak minum plain water, klu tak, mst tak sakit..
doktor ckp, i got urine infection, and kidney infection, means, kuman dh msuk kidney..
ini br permulaan bnd yg boleh jd serius doktor ckp, pergh!!
takut siot, die explain klu kurng minum, and tak treat d infection, kidney boleh rosak,
bile rosak kne buat dialisis, if that doesnt work, kena get kidney transplant..
hebat kan doktor nih, kasi cuak tahap gigil patient die..T_____T
die bg 3 jenis ubat, 1 utk angin n pain, suppose to relax n kembangkn ginjal org
1 lg antibiotics utk bunuh kuman,kne mkn smpai hbs..
1 lg ubat air, mixture of potassium citrate, tuk flush out the bacteria.tuk ubat nih, kne minum byk air..
yg xbest nyer bile mkn ubat tuk relax my ginjal, sakit ok,
rs mcm kne squeeze, kne tarik je kidney..
plus, frequent visit to the toilet..huhu..>.<
So, bg kwn2 ku, yg nk merase sakit cm org, sila2 jn minum plain water,
teruskan minum air yg tidak sihat..heheh
come to think about it, plain water ni byk khasiat nyer, korg search la kt google,
mmg la tak de rase, and for most people, plain water TAK SEDAP, tp,
biarla something 2 TAK SEDAP, TAKDE WARNA, asalkan ia bgs tuk kesihatan kite
nak ke sakit? yg boleh affect the rest of our life? depending on medicine all of ur life?
TAK NAK kan,so, ape kate, kite jage diri kite sebelum kite sakit?
hehehhe, ini bkn peringatan tuk korg saje, tp tuk org jugak..
len kli, jn galak sgt minum air manis, dh minum, counter blk ngn berbotol2 air mineral..:)

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